Janety Kuteli

Janety Kuteli

Janety Kuteli

CEO of Fortune Credit

Fortune Connect

Finance Global

Janet Kuteli is a strong advocate of financial inclusion in Africa and currently serving as the CEO and founder of Fortune Credit ltd. She holds an MBA from Kenyatta University and a Bachelor of commerce Degree (Accounting) from Kenyatta University. She is a certified Credit risk analyst and a member of the Timeless Women in Leadership and Entrepreneurship (Africa).

She has 11 years of experience in the Banking and Micro finance sector where she served in different capacities up to senior management level at Co-operative and National Banks. Her experience and exposure has built her knowledge, skills and name in the industry as an expert in the micro lending space.  Her strength is in developing sustainable financing models for small and micro entrepreneurs. She has a wealth of experience in Business development, credit risk and management, portfolio management, business analysis and asset based financing.