Sandra Ro

Sandra Ro

Sandra Ro


Global Blockchain Business Council

Moderator Web3 AI
Sandra is a proponent for ‘human-centric tech’. From investment banking and currency markets to
blockchain technology, she is an early angel investor and advocate of cryptocurrencies and digital assets.
She currently serves as the CEO of Global Blockchain Business Council (GBBC), the world’s largest leading
Swiss-based non-for-profit association with more than 500 institutional members, 231 ambassadors,
across 109 jurisdictions and disciplines.
In 2023, she was appointed onto the CFTC Commissioner Caroline Pham’s Global Markets Advisory
Committee (GMAC), Digital Asset Market Subcommittee (DAMS) and cochairs the Taxonomy and
Tokenization Infrastructure workstreams within the subcommittee. She was previously appointed as the
Senate representative of the New York State Digital Currency Task Force, and serves on the AIFC Fintech
Council (Kazakhstan), World Economic Forum’s Digital Currencies Governance Consortium, International
Securities Services Association’s DLT & ISO Standards, GI Trust FATF Travel Rule Standards Task Force
(South Korea), GBBC’s Global Standards Mapping Initiative, Blockchain for Climate (BxC) Board,
Salesforce’s AI Advisory Board, Filecoin Foundation Advisory Board, United Nations World Food
Programme (WFP) Innovation Accelerator Advisory Council, and several government Convergence AI
working groups and councils as well as Board director of several fintech start-ups.
Whilst at CME Group, she headed FX & Metals Research & Product Development and founded a new
business unit, Digitization. Sandra and her team created the CME CF Bitcoin pricing index and reference
rate, CME Bitcoin Futures, and post trade, clearing and settlement solutions.
Previously, she was a London-based derivatives banker at Morgan Stanley and Deutsche Bank in the
foreign exchange and interest rate markets.
Sandra holds a M.B.A. in Finance and Accounting from London Business School, studied Computer
Science at Columbia University, School of Continuing Studies and earned a double B.A. degree from Yale
University in History (Military) and Studies in the Environment.