Gurnoor Narula

Gurnoor Narula

Gurnoor Narula

Research Analyst

Placeholder VC

Electrical Engineer & Computer Science student

UC Berkeley

I'm an Electrical Engineer & Computer Science student at UC Berkeley and I recently started as a full-time research analyst at Placeholder to support the team on investment due diligence and research. In this role, I’ll be focusing my research interests on the Institutional DeFi stack, the modularity debate, fundamental technological infrastructure, and the intersection of game-theoretic auction design, consensus, and MEV.

Being involved with Blockchain@Berkeley has been instrumental in my development as I explored the depths of mechanism design and game theory in relation to DeFi protocols and foundational crypto infrastructure. I’ve also explored the relationship between traditional and decentralized finance while learning how to diligence innovative founders through the Berkeley Blockchain Xcelerator. Entering my final semester at Berkeley, I’m grateful to give back to the organization by serving as a Co-President.

I'm incredibly excited to continue digging research rabbit holes, contributing to the space, and supporting founders.