Greg Osuri

Greg Osuri

Greg Osuri


Akash Network

Sponsored Builders AI
A seasoned open-source developer of 25+ years, Greg Osuri is the CEO and founder of Akash Network, a distributed peer-to-peer marketplace for cloud compute. Prior to Akash Network, Greg founded AngelHack, the world’s largest hackathon organization with over 200,000 developers across 164 cities across the globe. At AngelHack, he launched several developer companies including Firebase, which was acquired by Google in 2014.

Greg launched his career at IBM and later designed Kaiser Permanente’s first cloud architecture. As an expert in open-source, distributed systems, and blockchain development, Greg is a featured international speaker and has spoken recently at events including Kong Summit, Block-Con, and Block to the Future. His work has been featured in top-tier publications including CoinDesk, the New York Times, BeInCrypto, Cointelegraph, Forbes, TechCrunch, and Yahoo! Finance. Greg was instrumental in the passing of California’s first Blockchain law, providing the first expert witness testimony at the Senate.